Dhoom 3
Critic reviews and ratings
...great fun.
...great chases, fast bikes, pulse-pounding action and glamorous girls. Dhoom 3 has all of it in abundance.
...solid entertainer loaded with attitude and star power that will leave fans of the series salivating for more.
...see Dhoom 3 with your expectations at half-mast. It's not the popcorn thrill ride that I expected. There isn't enough joy in it. But Aamir and the stupendous action make it worth watching.
...an intriguing piece of work... slender supple smart and subtle...and yet helmed by a central performance that screams for attention.
It's Dhoom man! It's about Jai, Ali, bikes, Katrina and that god of acting Aamir Khan!
...fairly enjoyable in a knock-back-a-few-drinks-and-watch-some-cars-blow-up kinda way.
...watch this film for the thrill of it.
The film is entertaining and a visually stunning but not without its flaws.
It’s all entertainment that’s easily accessible, digestible, and doesn’t ruffle any feathers.
...is bigger, grander and visually spectacular but has it's share of flaws too. A must watch for the sheer grandeur.
...is fun while it lasts, but it might not leave the viewer with the sense of having watched a film that is truly unique.
...lives up to its title with all the over-the-top daredevilry at display.
There are songs, there’s action and there’s everything you would want to see in a big ticket movie. What’s missing is that something, which makes an Aamir Khan movie a cut above the rest.
...the film is let down by a convenient script and its inability to deliver solid entertainment.
...is all about Aamir Khan the method actor and a little more about Bollywood's penchant for spoiling a good thing by throwing in some foolhardiness, bending to please people in power and pushing in more songs than necessary. In fact, Dhoom 3 is all about how to begin a movie with a bang, and then ruin it.
...an underwhelming experience!
...more bust than boom.
It is one really long chase sequence, lots of Aamir Khan for Aamir Khan fans and of course you have some smart action sequences. Nothing more than that.
...sallies forth boldly into Hollywood genre territory but resorts ever so often to longstanding Hindi movie contrivances to keep the plot ticking.
...is full of loop holes, over-the-top acting and an overdose of action that doesn't fit well all the time.
Street food gone hopelessly bland, a papdi chaat that tastes more like cold porridge.
A fun multi-star franchise that loses out because of its single-minded focus on one star.
is like a firmament lit up with those old, yellow, 120-watt bulbs, and Aamir Khan a 14 watt CFL bulb. Weak and struggling, he sticks out.
The scenarios are dull. The face-offs are flat. The set pieces are flabby, uninspired...
A superlative spoof, so much to laugh at.
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