Dum Laga Ke Haisha
Critic reviews and ratings
One of the best romantic comedies to come out of Bollywood, 'Dum Lagaa Ke Haisha' steadily grows on you and warms the cockles of your heart even before you realise it.
Director Sharat Kataria weaves together a film that has enough heart, humour and romance to warrant a second-time watch.
The strongest point of Dum Laga Ke Haisha is it's story and true to life characters.
That there is a pointer at the scores of social dynamics in an arranged marriage – pressure, gut, looks, submissiveness and so on. Dum Laga Ke Haisha has captured it all so well and in just the right measure to not make it dramatic and yet keeping you completely engrossed.
A lot of thought and effort has been put into making this film. You’ll appreciate the seamless intertwining of humour and drama. And acting performances that are phenomenal.
...Katariya is a master weaver, smoothly bringing together the different threads in the story culminating in a heart-warming climax that is sweet but not manipulative, emotional not over-wrought, and like the rest of the film, utterly real.
...knows where it’s coming from, and where it wants to go.
It is crafted with a string of wonderfully well-written scenes that flow seamlessly into each other, eventually culminating in a heart-warming climax.
...is an anomaly of a film that chooses to tell an intimate story in the most grounded manner, all the while shaming us into accepting what a misogynistic and materialistic world we live in.
...works perfectly well as an offbeat romantic comedy.
Director Sharad Katariya takes more than a leaf out of this slice-of-life book, and gently constructs—with a remarkable eye for detail—one of the sweetest little fairytales in recent times.
...sucks you into its world with well-etched characters, beautiful cinematography, perfectly detailed production design, and a host of fine actors...
The film is proof that keeping the sensibility intact, ‘different’ cinema need not necessarily be pretentious or boring.
...is one of the most realistic stories to come from Bollywood. It's keeps things simple, never resorting to any gimmicks to keep its audience feeling good.
This is as crowd-pleasing as a film gets, only without mawkish manipulation or contrivances. It’s also the best Yash Raj film in a very long time.
...is different as different can be.
...a simple film that will make you smile.
...a truly simple story. So simple, in fact, that Dum Laga Ke Haisha never gives you a single moment of unpredictability. It’s a two-hour film, and yet drags its feet enough to feel long and stretched. There are superb actors performing a sweet script, but after a while all you have is flavour.
...worth a dekko if warm and light-hearted fun is what you are looking for.
A welcome reminder of simple joys and sorrows of life, watch it with somebody you love.
Together the characters in the film bring to life, almost to delightful perfection, the beats and rhythms of genuine small town Indian middle class that isn’t poor enough to be on the street or rich enough to afford some very basic luxuries.
With its female lead as a secret weapon, this film evokes an era long gone.
Together the characters in the film bring to life, almost to delightful perfection, the beats and rhythms of genuine small town Indian middle class...
...is a beautiful snapshot of this world, lost and yet not quite; it’s a piece of nostalgia wrapped up in the actual.
Undeniably, the smarts are visible in its original thinking but it doesn't translate into a satiating viewing experience.
The film does not offer as much comedy as it promises in the promo, but does manage to engage your senses for most part. After a point though, the plot loses momentum and becomes a bit of a drag.
An enchanting rom-com with a surprisingly dysfunctional core.
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