An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • relentless in its ability to entertain, and that’s possible purely because of highly accomplished film-making. A new template for the Indian blockbuster.


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  • ...a sprawling, exuberant, ferociously ambitious piece of film making, which hits most of its marks.


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  • A startingly original film with entertaining conversations and settings.


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  • ...symbolizes the fearless new Indian cinema that shatters the clichés and conventional formulas, something which Anurag Kashyap has come to be acknowledged for.


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  • Searing, epic & tragic!


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  • ambitious indeed; showing promise of brilliance in parts, but not bullet-proof to flaws.


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  • ...despite its long run time in the first part itself and the cinematic liberties that the filmmaker takes Gangs of Wasseypur part 2 will definitely be a film eagerly awaited!


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  • Here’s a film that demands 100% attention and it won’t stop till it has it.Even though there’s so much going for GOW I, there’s something always amiss, something that leaves you underwhelmed after all those expectations.


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  • unabashed entertainer and wouldn’t be wrong to term it a Jharkhandi City Of God!


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  • It may not for the faint-hearted and the prissy. Gangs of Wasseypur is a heavyweight knockout punch. You’re down for the count!


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  • ...a diffuse epic, content to coast around the revenge plot instead of making it the thrust of its narrative – and what the film loses in terms of dramatic power, it gains in texture.


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  • You'll watch a great film unfold that is engaging despite being slow and violent.


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  • ...gripping fare...


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  • ...a delightful film. It has a grand plot, lots of interesting characters, and an epic canvas.


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  • Bolstered by its riveting performances and its thrilling plot dynamics, this is a gripping film that seizes your full attention.


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  • Kashyap strives to surprise and while every film requires an unconditional commitment of labor and love from its participant makers, the effort behind the making of a Gangs of Wasseypur is special.


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  • ...bloody good.


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  • ...surely entertaining but isn’t fearless. At times it crouches and hides behind unnecessary montages and sub-plots that ultimately leave you a tad bit underwhelmed. The film doesn’t disappoint but it also doesn’t satiate your hunger.


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  • Considering it's a complex film, handling the moods of his different characters would have taken a lot from Kashyap. He gives a 'close to reality' dose of cinema without taking the crude layer off.


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  • by turns absorbing and frustrating. Watching it feels like gorging on too much good food, leaving you feeling more exhausted than satiated. But there is enough in the sound and fury to enjoy.


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  •’s a larger-than-life experience, a display of cinematic license meant for the big screen.


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  • ...suitably pays its tribute to the entire genre it belongs to. Leave alone the referencing, direct and indirect, it takes the masala genre of revenge and turns it around to give us as much masala as we are used to but as a dish differently spiced.


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  • Kashyap's most ambitious and accomplished - fantastic music, laughter, and spot-on dialogues


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  • Kashyap gets flavour, setting and character right, but the lack of economy cripples the film. There is a lot of gunfire, but like the fine actors populating its sets, Wasseypur fires too many blanks.


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  • ...despite an outstanding ensemble cast and quite a few other merits, why does Gangs of Wasseypur leave you dissatisfied? Three main reasons: it’s too lengthy, too distracted and much too full of violence and fury signifying nothing.


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  • All that coolth and pop realism may do well with the die hard Kashyap cult but for the rest of us who paid to watch a bloody saga of revenge, it seems like a long wait at the circus.


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